All of our Account Owners are a trusted verified member on CircledIn. Our members are focused on helping each other with discounts and promotions to help their Circle lower their cost. Account Owners will be able to see your usage which includes minutes, call logs, and the amount of data used, but not actual content of the calls or text messages.
Account Members Access
- Account Members will only have access to their own line details.
- Members will not have access to confidential details or information belonging to other members within your circle.
- No sensitive billing details will be visible for the Account Members.
- Only Account Owners and Account Managers/Authorized Users will be able to make changes to the account and Members are restricted from making any account level changes.
We prioritize privacy and if you have any specific concerns or questions regarding the confidentiality of your account information on CircledIn, you can reach out to the CircledIn support team for further assistance.
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